Riftshot's Logo


Riftshot is an Fast-Paced Action Platformer inspired by games such as Super Mario Odyssey and A Hat in Time, with an emphasis on movement, combat, and exploration! Play as Olive Midorika, and use your trusty Slingshot to zip your way through dense levels, scuffle with sinister scoundrels, and steal your world back from corporate overlords!

Olive, part time Hero.

What's Happening?

A self-proclaimed hero, Olive is on a mission to destroy the vitality sucking gloomgoo, to save her world from corporate exploitation. With help of her Rift-slinging BFF April, and her powerhouse of a teacher, Violette, nothing will stand in the way of her mission. Follow her on her adventure through the disparate biomes of Stargrove Island, collecting shards of a mystical aurora, and thwarting the plans of the nefarious Gleamglass Inc!

Olive, part time Hero.

Your goals for every level are simple. COLLECT the pieces of the Mystical Aurora, DESTROY the Gloomgoo infesting the island, and ESCAPE before the nefarious CEO Somno catches up with you!

Callum Somno, embodiment of Evil


Sick Tricks Bro

PLAY with a hyperkinetic platforming moveset!

There she is!

EXPLORE 6 planned locations, each packed with stickers to collect, enemies to fight, and goodies to find!

Oh Look it's a rift crystal.

FIGHT Robots and other weirdos on the island!

Watch out for Dr. Azogue!

ZOOM over obstacles and INTO enemies with your trusty grappling hook!

Zip Zoom!

RUN out of things to say!

Cool Folks don't look at explosions.

Silly Characters and Lighthearted Story!

Arcadey Action mixed with Explorative Platforming!

Unique Art Direction!

Play how you want! Explore the regions, or go for the highest combo you can!


Shameless Shilling Time!

In the meantime, if you wanna help with the development process, feel free to join my Discord Server! We hold events and art contests, and who knows? Your stuff may even end up in the game!

  • Link here!